EDC Dry Claw

Dry Pumps

Known for its simplicity, robustness, efficiency and contaminant handling capability, Edwards’ EDC dry claw pumps are ideal for applications where you need low maintenance with increased process compatibility. Suited for harsh environments, this is the pump that enables you to reduce your vacuum operating costs and focus on what really matters: your production process.

Built to last

Innovative construction materials and coatings for a lifetime of reliable operation even in harsh conditions.

Easy maintenance

Simplest of designs suited for quick access to the pumping chamber for easy cleaning in the event of product carry-over

Improved productivity

Best in class ultimate vacuum level, market leading pumping speed and lower continuous vacuum level.

Designed for a long life of reliable, efficient operations

The new range of our EDC dry claw pumps features an innovative design which creates a new benchmark in the claw pump market. The simplicity, robustness, efficiency and contaminant handling capability of these pumps make them the smart choice for your application.

Designed to be profitable

Low on maintenance, the EDC series features long life bearings and seals with a separate and isolated pumping element. This simple design brings you quick access, low power consumption and an even lower total cost of ownership.

Innovative element design

The modular design ensures efficiency during the operational lifecycle. The easily accessible pumping chamber means that you can clean without accessing the gearbox or having to re-calibrated the timing of the pump.

A powerhouse, yet compact machine with a small footprint

An unrivalled ultimate vacuum level and market leading pumping speed is delivered from a compact canopy making it easy for you to install the EDC into even limited spaces.

Unmatched global service support

Our market-leading warranty and service support network spans 180 countries. This means you can rely on 24/7 support for your products and production processes, wherever you happen to be.